NAV Navbar




Metanet Query

Node by txid

Returns a Metanet node accroding to a txid, the response contains information of the node and its parent node.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET metanet/txid/{txid}

Example-Node by txid


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "id": 1007417,
    "height": 637709,
    "blockIndex": 238,
    "nodeTxid": "61145a1f39174a02ae618ab076c5daf46e9a361bad4c0cb64a39f9225711575b",
    "parentTxid": "NULL",
    "nodeAddress": "1PojuVs6VLTSps9DMP6S3qm8g32EvikqYM",
    "parentAddress": "NULL",
    "nodePubkey": "024ce693a669126143bbb9129aec1c4a554220c7350b97f6a8b5fcdcc19f4481f1",
    "parentPubkey": "NULL",
    "outputIndex": 0,
    "time": 1591168235,
    "rootTxid": "NULL",
    "rootAddress": "NULL"
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attributes Type Description
id long Paging ID
nodeTxid string Node TXID
parentTxid string Parent TXID
nodeAddress string Address of the node
parentAddress string Address of its parent node
outputIndex string Output Index
time long Timestamp
height int Block Height
rootTxid string root txid
rootAddress string root address

Node List by address

Returns all the nodes according to a nodeAddress/nodePubkey since one nodeAddress/nodePubkey might correspond to multiple metanet nodes in Metanet Protocol.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET metanet/address/{nodeAddress/nodePubkey}

Example-Node List by nodeAddress

Example-Node List by nodePubkey

Request Parameter(s)

Parameters Type Required? Description
flag long false Paging flag(id of the last record from previous query)


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 3,
      "height": 587848,
      "blockIndex": 142,
      "nodeTxid": "49ee9cc653ddd8e59b3321ec4d34ad8522bc394e48399931834db0987e26d1d6",
      "parentTxid": "048e7609c70089ee052ddc7e5bceaec14a22b815b20624bcbebad58bc2415f2c",
      "nodeAddress": "16qVqhQSixSrEk6XNJWv26inug5so72SF5",
      "parentAddress": "1B43Nn9MEW1sTYw57s31XUXoPX3zuM6fBG",
      "nodePubkey": "",
      "parentPubkey": "02164a0d0f2aa2f6840f91f6b658edb6b91a3d0b4b4fb396008002734f6a098085",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "time": 1561132282
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attributes Type Description
id long Paging ID
nodeTxid string Node TXID
parentTxid string Parent TXID
nodeAddress string Address of the node
parentAddress string Address of its parent node
nodePubkey string Public key of the node
parentPubkey string Public key of its parent node
outputIndex string Output Index
time long Timestamp
height int Block Height

History Version

According to the definition of Metanet Protocol, if two nodes share the same nodeAddress and parentTxid, then they are ordered in version by TTOR(Topological Transaction Ordering Rule)

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET metanet/history_versions/{nodeAddress/nodePubkey}/{parentTxid}

Example-History Version by nodeAddress and parentTxid

Example-History Version by nodePubkey and parentTxid

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required? Description
flag(optional) long false Paging flag


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 6,
      "height": 587848,
      "blockIndex": 145,
      "nodeTxid": "c10413a3ec3a395804960f337d77b97304d2576a346cb975949f7038552276ef",
      "parentTxid": "048e7609c70089ee052ddc7e5bceaec14a22b815b20624bcbebad58bc2415f2c",
      "nodeAddress": "1DwLduKv9FbxCL1GyB7rZxuUNXh5FJbjb",
      "parentAddress": "1B43Nn9MEW1sTYw57s31XUXoPX3zuM6fBG",
      "nodePubkey": "",
      "parentPubkey": "02164a0d0f2aa2f6840f91f6b658edb6b91a3d0b4b4fb396008002734f6a098085",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "time": 1561132282
      "id": 5,
      "height": 587848,
      "blockIndex": 144,
      "nodeTxid": "35a1250da21bec3b87c56171a5bdfc58c1e830746f1786340405a49e52880802",
      "parentTxid": "048e7609c70089ee052ddc7e5bceaec14a22b815b20624bcbebad58bc2415f2c",
      "nodeAddress": "1DwLduKv9FbxCL1GyB7rZxuUNXh5FJbjb",
      "parentAddress": "1B43Nn9MEW1sTYw57s31XUXoPX3zuM6fBG",
      "nodePubkey": "",
      "parentPubkey": "02164a0d0f2aa2f6840f91f6b658edb6b91a3d0b4b4fb396008002734f6a098085",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "time": 1561132282
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attributes Type Description
id long Paging ID
nodeTxid string Node TXID
parentTxid string Parent TXID
nodeAddress string Address of the node
parentAddress string Address of its parent node
nodePubkey string Public key of the node
parentPubkey string Public key of its parent node
outputIndex string Output Index
time long Timestamp
height int Block Height

Child Nodes by Parent Node

Returns all child nodes including their versions according to the txid of a parent node

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET metanet/children/{parentTxid}

Example-Child Nodes by Parent Node

Request Parameter

Parameter Type Required? Description
flag(optional) long false Paging flag


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 7,
      "nodeTxid": "bfe99262132497f13376e41b998599ccbf685907f3c82559380580b770e55821",
      "parentTxid": "72b34a2890b9699528738a90ea87493a8848a7ec669f837ea386ac18e99474b7",
      "nodeAddress": "16EYKVbWzyWBr1Fs8h5nYR9PebjqSYhTQK",
      "parentAddress": "1RWhhV21Zx4Hj6XDLL6gUhMsgGQjeaAf3",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "time": 1561132282
      "id": 5,
      "nodeTxid": "57bd02c1cc7e080aac19fa129a30e409bbe88a199c5abf5ffc40da077a6d3796",
      "parentTxid": "72b34a2890b9699528738a90ea87493a8848a7ec669f837ea386ac18e99474b7",
      "nodeAddress": "12U5Q74XGWNr3ji9H6voS77cGPn533Mzzb",
      "parentAddress": "1RWhhV21Zx4Hj6XDLL6gUhMsgGQjeaAf3",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "time": 1561132282
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attributes Type Description
id long Paging ID
nodeTxid string Node TXID
parentTxid string Parent TXID
nodeAddress string Address of the node
parentAddress string Address of its parent node
outputIndex string Output Index
time long Timestamp
height int Block Height

On-chain Data Query

On-chain Data by TXID

Returns the content of OP_RETURN outputs according to a txid

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /data/tx/{txid}

GET /data/tx/{txid}/{outputIndex}

Note:If you are not sure with the outputIndex of the OP_RETURN one,use the previous one

Example-On-chain Data by TXID

Example-On-chain Data by TXID


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "txId": "5648192b964061498ad7902552f0f6345f8521f67fdfc42946b5cd55f1670b41",
    "height": 625741,
    "index": 0,
    "raw": "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",
    "parts": [
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attributes Type Description
txid string Transaction hash
height int Block height
index int Output index
raw string Raw Output encoded by Base64
parts array Output stack components

List Query

Returns data that fulfills the condition provided e.g. Webot Protocol: the third part of OP_RETURN stack(bit protocol). It also identifies and authenticates the user by address in TX input. Other applications including weathersv preev are also in this manner. 50 records at a time in descending order by time

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET data/list

Example-List Query

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
inputAddress(optional) string Some address in TX input
protocol(optional) string Bit protocol after OP_RETURN code
flag(optional) long Paging flag(id of the last record from previous query)
start(optional) long timestamp (second) of start time (inclusive)
end(optional) long timestamp (second) of end time (inclusive)


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 1814788,
      "inputAddress": "14PEs4zAtdGAECWhSS9XGNc4FmRoURusFL",
      "protocol": "BCHjeepney and (",
      "height": 541584,
      "time": 1533167175,
      "txid": "b08b6050fa4a9e4f22b7fd873d0f58e222266a0874f1ca2d6d6874f3789c025e",
      "outputIndex": 1
      "id": 1814216,
      "inputAddress": "14PEs4zAtdGAECWhSS9XGNc4FmRoURusFL",
      "protocol": "BCHjeepney and (",
      "height": 541584,
      "time": 1533167175,
      "txid": "43f01c7f88f0a3e0681b7bab28b8a0244c60d37674b8334c95178da5b869b86e",
      "outputIndex": 1
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
id int Paging id
inputAddress string Input address
protocol string Protocol
time long Timestamp
txid string Transaction id
outputIndex int Output index

B Protocol by Filename

Returns a file list of B Protocol(bit://19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut) according to a filename

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET data/b_protocol/{filename}

Example-B Protocol by Filename


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag(optional) long false Paging flag


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 1961,
      "filename": "twetch_twtext_1583810727714.txt",
      "time": 1583810733,
      "txid": "6e661935503cce008a273a6a88e5989c424ce4716ebfe0cd843f8079edd006bb",
      "outIndex": null
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
id int Paging id
filename string Filename
time long Timestamp
txid string Transaction id
outIndex int Output index

Transaction Query

Transaction Detail

Returns parsed transaction details, input and output information.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /tx/{txid}

Example-Transaction Detail

Request Parameters



  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "txDetail": {
      "txid": "8e3da3d115a685ae28421b5661517e829e495091e6121c8d4b0cd52531a660a2",
      "version": 1,
      "lockTime": 0,
      "size": 192,
      "fee": 57,
      "height": 627182,
      "blockIndex": 6,
      "blockHash": "000000000000000000f0d2c432132681f73ef22679ef75aebe7ea190b184b14c",
      "blockTime": 1584787871000,
      "inputCount": 1,
      "outputCount": 1
    "vinList": [
        "parentTxid": "8e3da3d115a685ae28421b5661517e829e495091e6121c8d4b0cd52531a660a2",
        "height": 627182,
        "index": 0,
        "utxoTxid": "be70912d20e4d9639f270c09ff9ddb8e8d2fb676a4460fc8866581e56e884aff",
        "utxoIndex": "5",
        "value": 603,
        "address": "15T6soD5ze5dMoguk7C1cnojWkX7yQPuGN",
        "unlockScript": "SDBFAiEAoPLDAEpUxKLWL+b1I/3JAQ03vQSRcwAgQNDNoMbvkaYCIAEaTknYinzdp5vprXbMbL5riFatLIxQCrXcCBERQriBQSEDisPfwlnGgpyE/nOsS81xUf7zPCh1RuZmZous64/9hTY=",
        "sequence": 4294967295
    "voutList": [
        "parentTxid": "8e3da3d115a685ae28421b5661517e829e495091e6121c8d4b0cd52531a660a2",
        "height": 627182,
        "index": 0,
        "value": 546,
        "address": "1363FvHSaAA9TgfxZAKQLMVjjdC5WvSjjx",
        "lockScript": "dqkUFuQ3MhFWH2e2tiTUeiO6LQK1zGWIrA==",
        "spentTxid": "",
        "spentIndex": 0,
        "spentHeight": 0,
        "spent": false
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
txDetail object Transaction detail
vinList array Input list
voutList array Output list


Attribute Type
txid object
version int
lockTime long
size int
fee int
height int
blockIndex int
blockHash string
blockTime long
inputCount int
outputCount int


Attribute Type
parentTxid string
height int
index int
value long
address string
unlockScript string
sequence long
utxoTxid string
utxoIndex string


Attribute Type
parentTxid string
height int
index int
value long
address string
lockScript string
spentTxid string
spentIndex int
spentHeight int
spent boolean

Obtain Raw Transaction

Returns raw transaction in hexadecimal format

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /tx/{txid}/raw


Request Parameters



  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "rawHex": "0100000001ff4a886ee5816586c80f46a476b62f8d8edb9dff090c279f63d9e4202d9170be050000006b483045022100a0f2c3004a54c4a2d62fe6f523fdc9010d37bd049173002040d0cda0c6ef91a60220011a4e49d88a7cdda79be9ad76cc6cbe6b8856ad2c8c500ab5dc08111142b8814121038ac3dfc259c6829c84fe73ac4bcd7151fef33c287546e666668baceb8ffd8536ffffffff0122020000000000001976a91416e4373211561f67b6b624d47a23ba2d02b5cc6588ac00000000"
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
rawHex string Raw Transaction in HEX

Block Query

Block Header Query

Returns block header content.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /block/{blockIdentifier}/header

Example-Query for block header by height

Example-Query for block header by hash

Request Parameter

Attribute Types Description
blockIdentifier int/string block heigh or block hash


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "blockHash": "00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048",
    "height": 1,
    "version": 1,
    "prevBlockHash": "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f",
    "merkleRoot": "0e3e2357e806b6cdb1f70b54c3a3a17b6714ee1f0e68bebb44a74b1efd512098",
    "timestamp": 1231469665000,
    "medianTime": 1231469665000,
    "reward": 5000000000,
    "minerAddress": "12c6DSiU4Rq3P4ZxziKxzrL5LmMBrzjrJX",
    "txCount": 1,
    "inputCount": 1,
    "outputCount": 1,
    "bits": 486604799,
    "nounce": null,
    "size": 215
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Types
blockHash string
height long
version int
preBlockHash string
merkleRoot string
timestamp long
medianTime long
txCount long
inputCount long
outputCount long
bits long
nounce long
size long

Transaction List Query

Returns transactions in a block.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /block/{blockIdentifier}/txs

Example-Transaction List Query

Request Parameters

Attribute Types Description
blockIdentifier int/string block height or block hash
offset long offset (optional)
limit long max number of elements(maximum 50)


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "txid": "8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87",
      "version": 1,
      "lockTime": 0,
      "size": 135,
      "fee": 0,
      "blockIndex": 0,
      "inputCount": 1,
      "outputCount": 1
      "txid": "fff2525b8931402dd09222c50775608f75787bd2b87e56995a7bdd30f79702c4",
      "version": 1,
      "lockTime": 0,
      "size": 259,
      "fee": 0,
      "blockIndex": 1,
      "inputCount": 1,
      "outputCount": 2
      "txid": "6359f0868171b1d194cbee1af2f16ea598ae8fad666d9b012c8ed2b79a236ec4",
      "version": 1,
      "lockTime": 0,
      "size": 257,
      "fee": 0,
      "blockIndex": 2,
      "inputCount": 1,
      "outputCount": 2
      "txid": "e9a66845e05d5abc0ad04ec80f774a7e585c6e8db975962d069a522137b80c1d",
      "version": 1,
      "lockTime": 0,
      "size": 225,
      "fee": 0,
      "blockIndex": 3,
      "inputCount": 1,
      "outputCount": 1
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Types
txid string
version int
lockTime long
size long
fee long
blockIndex long
inputCount long
outputCount long

Merchant Interfaces

Transaction Existence Query

Returns the existence of a transaction

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /merchants/tx/exists

Example-Transaction Existence Query

Request Parameters

Parameter Types Description
txid string Transaction id


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "txid": "826f60e6cd9355774998677e43026fd26716a0ac161ad94322f089ce98492e81",
    "exists": true
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Types Description
txid String Transaction id
exists Boolean Existence

Broadcast Transaction

Broadcasts raw transaction

We accept transaction with fee rate 0.25sat/byte, MetaSV will pass the transaction to collaborating miner and got fee discount. Currently the maximum size of transaction which can be broadcasted through this API is 15 MB, we will remove it in the future.

collaborating pool SYMBOL public key TAAL 03e92d3e5c3f7bd945dfbf48e7a99393b1bfb3f11f380ae30d286e7ff2aec5a270

HTTP Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"rawHex":"0200000001e0d2128a554d7793352b3478c2339d4c6ba12f294584a2bcfd494daa106769e7000000006b483045022100863549e778bba1f8f8617c77bb286d161463a7b1ebd68d58c9e60e7f96c9afde022038d693ffe511685471b199ed90a806ac84e4ba2ab66ac1f3e160eb5f129452ab4121038fc908bdbac664624c0cca5e1c2c80a73af51f237e95a45b56f1a45446cb1a9bffffffff01bc020000000000001976a914950a65a1ffdde0931dcf2e3b0a1ce8142d43bfb888ac00000000"}'

POST /merchants/tx/broadcast

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
rawHex string Transaction in HEX


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "hash": "b8193728dce79f9c1c370670ae428326e3afe96210d072dba38a29d1bf1e1e18",
    "error": null,
    "minerName": "TAAL",
    "minerResponse": {
      "payload": "{\"apiVersion\":\"0.1.0\",\"timestamp\":\"2020-05-17T06:56:10.039Z\",\"txid\":\"b8193728dce79f9c1c370670ae428326e3afe96210d072dba38a29d1bf1e1e18\",\"returnResult\":\"success\",\"resultDescription\":\"\",\"minerId\":\"03e92d3e5c3f7bd945dfbf48e7a99393b1bfb3f11f380ae30d286e7ff2aec5a270\",\"currentHighestBlockHash\":\"000000000000000002dc558abcd3caf9a2c5560ad346dabff7af51ebba356cb3\",\"currentHighestBlockHeight\":635273,\"txSecondMempoolExpiry\":0}",
      "publicKey": "03e92d3e5c3f7bd945dfbf48e7a99393b1bfb3f11f380ae30d286e7ff2aec5a270",
      "signature": "304402203effd0188f1d61fc78fb38b05fdaf99dcf363c6c73384b98895088d10549c9ad02201bdb2dd106e3090af2eb51bdc8f766ccabe34c4dc58d08bda2ad98daab80f2eb",
      "encoding": "UTF-8",
      "mimetype": "application/json"
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Types Description
hash string Transaction Hash
error object Error
minerName string Name of Miner
minerResponse object Message from Mapi


Attribute Types Description
code int Error code from the full node
message string Error message


Please refer to the definition of mapi

Attribute Types Description
payload string mapi payload
publicKey publicKey miner publicKey
signature signature miner signature
encoding encoding payload encoding
mimetype mimetype mime type

Common error code of a full node

Error Type Code Message
RPC_MISC_ERROR -1 exception thrown in command handling
RPC_TYPE_ERROR -3 Unexpected type was passed as parameter
RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY -5 Invalid address or key
RPC_OUT_OF_MEMORY -7 Ran out of memory during operation
RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER -8 Invalid, missing or duplicate parameter
RPC_DATABASE_ERROR -20 Database error
RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR -22 Error parsing or validating structure in raw format
RPC_VERIFY_ERROR -25 General error during transaction or block submission
RPC_VERIFY_REJECTED -26 Transaction or block was rejected by network rules
RPC_VERIFY_ALREADY_IN_CHAIN -27 Transaction already in chain

"reject" Errors

Error Type Code

Utxo Selection

Selects a set of Utxos with a value higher than the amount for a given address list and an amount. In case of HD wallets, multiple addresses can be specified.

Note:Transaction fees is not included, add some transaction fees to amount when invoking

HTTP Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"addresses": ["12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv", "19k8nToWwMGuF4HkNpzgoVAYk4viBnEs5D"], "amount": 102891277}'

POST /merchants/utxo_select

Request Body

Attribute Type Description
addresses array Address to query
amount long Amount in satoshi
  "addresses": [
  "amount": 102891277


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "address": "12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv",
      "txid": "0a21079a06c523fed3a41f890c4e96bb148433c90bf42d3c12649846af20f5b6",
      "id": 31537708,
      "ancestors": 0,
      "descendents": 0,
      "value": 100000000,
      "height": 576232
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "address": "12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv",
      "txid": "166a3ab4254f7dbb0a9ea5750bdc19254fb8597b30a8c393b8a48d3f73939775",
      "id": 20292332,
      "ancestors": 0,
      "descendents": 0,
      "value": 666000,
      "height": 576241
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
txid string Transaction id
address string Address
height int Block Height(-1 if not confirmed yet)
value long Amount
id long Paging id
outputIndex int Index
ancestors int Ancestor count(0 if utxo confirmed)
descendents int Descendent count(0 if utxo confirmed)

If all the balances is not sufficient for the amount, api will return error code 20001 and the current balance, if you wish to fetch all the utxos, please use this balance as amount to request once again.

  "code": 20001,
  "data": {
    "balance": 102891278
  "message": "Utxo total amount is insufficient",
  "success": false

Paymail Address Query

Paymail is a collection of protocols for Bitcoin SV wallets that allow for a set of simplified user experiences to be delivered across all wallets in the ecosystem.

Can query all used address by paymail address that is easier to remember, thus simplifying the arrangement of address.

For Details, please check Paymail Protocol

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /merchants/paymail/{alias}@{domain}

Example-Paymail Address Query


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "email": "",
    "publicKey": "03db230f7ac74a7193048f10b893c10bc8d3c43b6e151c3ca7fc1b1cd1e9627e6d",
    "address": "1EXyJR3pzvSz8Xg6ux23TFkz8hUjUTL5xW",
    "url": ""
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
email string email address
publicKey string public key
address string used address
url string paymail desolved url

Address Query

Basic Information

Returns the basic information of an address. You can use either an address or a pubKey when running a query.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /address/{addressIdentifier}/info

Example-Basic Information


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "id": null,
    "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
    "confirmedBalance": 12504971819,
    "unconfirmedBalance": 0,
    "firstSpend": 1502122852000,
    "firstSpendHeight": 478751,
    "firstReceive": 1501746239000,
    "firstReceiveHeight": 478583,
    "lastSpend": 1591574628000,
    "lastSpendHeight": 638383,
    "lastReceive": 1591604088000,
    "lastReceiveHeight": 638452,
    "txCount": 22954,
    "totalIncome": 25731818063550,
    "totalOutcome": 25719313091731
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Types
id long
address string
confirmedBalance long
unconfirmedBalance long
firstSpend long
firstSpendHeight int
firstReceive long
firstReceiveHeight int
lastSpend long
lastSpendHeight int
lastReceive long
lastReceiveHeight int
txCount long
totalIncome long
totalOutcome long

Transaction list by Address

Returns the history transactions involved in the address. You can use either an address or a pubKey when running a query.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /address/{addressIdentifier}/tx

Example-Transaction list by Address

Request Parameter

Attribute Types Description
flag string Paging label(Optional)
limit int Limit, maximum 100 (Optional, default 50)


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "flag": "h_1591856308000_76785125",
    "transactions": [
        "id": 77427768,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591936092000,
        "height": 638985,
        "income": 625250909,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "99561557fb56b53a026e7c5043542a1c27104859beb4cb65a1a68dc838dd53a3"
        "id": 77310381,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591922015000,
        "height": 638962,
        "income": 0,
        "outcome": 1875825044,
        "txid": "9b8344c79f68094c02240bb093542f310bcd0fc416a161130617a1f12ce8173a"
        "id": 77247902,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591910347000,
        "height": 638949,
        "income": 625113306,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "16796544c87dab68c5287b60ffe4f44b569a4171d967aca339e3fe99ee13a999"
        "id": 77124605,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591896582000,
        "height": 638927,
        "income": 625152761,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "25cc416ae22bbd5bc5614acdadcca86522b1f3a99254a02ae86aeaadba75c162"
        "id": 76965728,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591877219000,
        "height": 638903,
        "income": 0,
        "outcome": 5627506777,
        "txid": "3cca533e1553a19044f0d7d2a8e37db0ea1a909b774dcd5de7db7e61900c95fb"
        "id": 76960828,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591876353000,
        "height": 638898,
        "income": 625071036,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "e308fc17a976a8b110881b12dd5a134067442fecb7dc93f8f3d319cbee3de415"
        "id": 76949119,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591874978000,
        "height": 638895,
        "income": 625127587,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "eb388edfecc69dcb0db184af937c4855731b45b1f7ff137ea445b1362853fbef"
        "id": 76814075,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591861906000,
        "height": 638880,
        "income": 625300161,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "7d264a613657e35710ed1cbc822a5bf619d1bbb00bb0f49ca5d35833bf2fab57"
        "id": 76798308,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591858108000,
        "height": 638875,
        "income": 625145054,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "a4e6f017d1dd7fa1533c8b58074048575ed5e59cd6b9b5c5db0d234ae2ab63e0"
        "id": 76785125,
        "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
        "time": 1591856308000,
        "height": 638868,
        "income": 625026889,
        "outcome": 0,
        "txid": "4228fb498e0b1b137c98a7164d1b99f88c10ddb8184ba1cc63cc1f93b6901fdb"
  "success": true
Attribute Description
flag string paging label
transactions array tx list
Attribute Types Description
id long paging id
address string address
time long timestamp
height int height
income long income
outcome long outcome
txid string txid

Address Balance

Returns confirmed and unconfirmed balance in an address

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ""

GET /address/{address}/balance

Example-Address Balance


  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "address": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
    "confirmedBalance": 43783170730,
    "unconfirmedBalance": 0
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
address string Address
confirmed long Confirmed balance
unconfirmed long Unconfirmed balance

Utxo by Address

Returns a Utxo set of a given address(50 records at a time) Utxo with a higher confirm count is prioritized

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /address/{address}/utxo

Example-Utxo by Address


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Paging flag(id of the last record from previous query)


  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 4701050,
      "address": "12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv",
      "txid": "3541514998f58a38443878d0904033f519cb26820e9d88ccb5b22a90c3f34d1b",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "value": 500000,
      "height": 576239,
      "ancestors": 0,
      "descendents": 0
      "id": 5376917,
      "address": "12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv",
      "txid": "e798e31cecf8a73ecf66402e702d28a91f99be46c09bee73a2e04a2068f2451f",
      "outputIndex": 0,
      "value": 9990,
      "height": 576240,
      "ancestors": 0,
      "descendents": 0
  "message": null,
  "success": true
Attribute Type Description
txid string Transaction id
address string Address
height int Block Height(-1 if not confirmed yet)
value long Amount
id long Paging id
outputIndex int Index
ancestors int Ancestor count(0 if utxo confirmed)
descendents int Descendent count(0 if utxo confirmed)

MetaStream Subscription

We developed MetaStream Stream API to provide the latest on-chain data with developers. Clients can subscribe information from the server using a keep-alive connection. If the transaction, which the client is interested in, appears on the blockchain, the server will push the real-time data to client side using text/event-stream steam in the form of SSE(Server Sent Event).

This function is suitable for some applications that requires real-time features, such as on-chain chatroom, wallet notifications, on-chain stats( MetaSV functions as a filter for your application so that only the data that clients focus are pushed.


Push messages returned by the server are in one of the following formats




The following table explains them further

Type Description
OPEN Notify the beginning of connection establishment
HEARTBEAT The default timeout of long connection is 1 min, therefore the server pushes heartbeat data every 30 sec to maintain the connection
DATA Push data

There exists a time field in pushed data, which is a unix timestamp in nanoseconds

All the requests have an optional flag parameter

Notes on REAL-TIME

Subscribe Block

Obtain block-related events and their detail

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /stream/block

Example-Block Subscription


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Replay flag(Timestamp at breakpoint in nanoseconds)


  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "block": {
      "blockHash": "0000000000000000046bdee35b14794ed21035e2322a5687dcd7d40879639ac1",
      "height": 630093,
      "version": 536870912,
      "prevBlock": "000000000000000005c4e4e1ee3f969f448964d90540342a7c1d6b17c5edd6c2",
      "merkleRoot": "49113fd51c48763df8b54ad8b08694bb9e08507541703d1362606083f889b46b",
      "timeStamp": 1586601469000,
      "medianTime": 1586599227000,
      "reward": 625285073,
      "minerAddress": "1P3GQYtcWgZHrrJhUa4ctoQ3QoCU2F65nz",
      "txCount": 1301,
      "bits": 403043979,
      "nonce": 3442284989,
      "size": 591171,
      "inputCount": 2804,
      "outputCount": 4332,
      "miner": "minerName",
      "coinbase": "coinbaseMessage written by miner"
    "time": 1586601509955212000
Attribute Types Description
blockHash string Block hash
height int Block height
version int Block version
prevBlock string Previous block hash
merkleRoot string Merkle root
timeStamp long Block timestamp in ms
medianTime long Median time
reward long Block reward
minerAddress string Miner Address
txCount int Transaction count
bits long Block volume in bits
nonce int Block nonce
size int Block size
inputCount int Input
outputCount int Output count in block
miner string parsed miner name
coinbase string parsed coinbase message

Subscribe Transaction Hash

Push full transaction events happening on chain

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /stream/tx

Example-Real-time Transaction Subscriptionhash


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Replay flag(Timestamp at breakpoint in nanoseconds)


  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "txid": "469df6790f08785a33108620f73aeadd6d0e8344ada1c61c56dc25c35a22d100",
    "time": 1586602009727723000
Attribute Types Description
txid string Transaction hash

Subscribe Transaction Detail

Push full transaction events in detail(contain raw tx and parsed tx data).

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /stream/tx/detail

Example-Real-time Transaction Detail Subscription


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Replay flag(Timestamp at breakpoint in nanoseconds)


  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "tx": {
      "txDetail": {
        "txid": "443ce7b5cfaaf34d650763e7814b7f1b2171313a1d28eb7245434c5c81e3c8d5",
        "version": 1,
        "lockTime": 0,
        "size": 335,
        "fee": 84,
        "inputCount": 1,
        "outputCount": 2,
        "rawHex": "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"
      "vinList": [
          "txId": "443ce7b5cfaaf34d650763e7814b7f1b2171313a1d28eb7245434c5c81e3c8d5",
          "index": 0,
          "utxoTxid": "b5f13057ac3a7186cc6349d4d8ec09c207c3e8b3ad4f8ad863cb1cea614705a3",
          "utxoIndex": "1",
          "value": 61243,
          "address": "138R3VHAGEevULWHqspPwqnqJyA4GxPTy2",
          "unlockScript": "483045022100914b85024e0aeb275a42dbd64524363905b4fc68f3cfc210fb547c1bdcf7b51902205c133c2ea2d8a44cac6d0e413aa7ee8d55ed945f6e104a9c9acd621b41793c424121036609449580213f50abc68433cf9bed24568b3f6e8dcf19bddfb3e9ee1c6aef5d",
          "sequence": 4294967295
      "voutList": [
          "index": 0,
          "value": 0,
          "address": "",
          "lockScript": "006a22314c74794d45366235416e4d6f70517242504c6b3446474e3855427568784b71726e0101307b2274223a33372c2268223a34322c2270223a313030392c2263223a34302c227773223a332e312c227764223a39307d22313338523356484147456576554c57487173705077716e714a7941344778505479320a31353836363033383234",
          "parts": [
          "index": 1,
          "value": 61159,
          "address": "138R3VHAGEevULWHqspPwqnqJyA4GxPTy2",
          "lockScript": "76a91417573bb918cdd72760f6aa59133719119f16769388ac"
    "time": 1586603836631453000
Attribute Types Description
txDetail Object Tx overview, includes some general information and raw tx text
vinList List Transaction input list, includes amount, scripts, utxo points and input addresses
voutList List Transaction output list, includes amount, scripts and addresses, also parts if it is an OP_RETURN output

Subscribe Address

Subscribe to a specific address. Push transaction any events related to the address.

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /stream/address/{address}

Example-Twetch Address Subscription


Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Replay flag(Timestamp at breakpoint in nanoseconds)
simple boolean false Return simplified response(default true)


  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "relatedTx": {
      "txDetail": {
        "txid": "e29a8c21a2b7ff6dec2622b8b525bf35f81ace023f5b39f3f627c05f00a7c522",
        "version": 1,
        "lockTime": 0,
        "size": 874,
        "fee": 505,
        "inputCount": 1,
        "outputCount": 6,
        "rawHex": "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"
      "vinList": [
          "txId": "e29a8c21a2b7ff6dec2622b8b525bf35f81ace023f5b39f3f627c05f00a7c522",
          "index": 0,
          "utxoTxid": "9f2769ffa032963cc65a2d42d21cd08eecbcb8a3be002f6fd6da8a7f465a56e3",
          "utxoIndex": "5",
          "value": 167829,
          "address": "1D5777WrAhk3PuN63U2TTPLys2T7MYmJ21",
          "unlockScript": "473044022049385c71854122c2f04c00c5b2e517a3acb56bef58548ea5b388ccf0c88ee6ca022020d83cfefafafa9fc68c4abe901ddf5763cab9b219f940e92b56272cb373bec7412103e9ae85c03f284bf044708d1161987be21c54b7879408c367f6ada013316ec677",
          "sequence": 4294967295
      "voutList": [
          "index": 0,
          "value": 0,
          "address": "",
          "lockScript": "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",
          "parts": [
            "NO in my interpretation.....",
          "index": 1,
          "value": 4883,
          "address": "qqz3smlswy8dqppznejycpjnk2v9cey2yvgehq93cw",
          "lockScript": "76a91405186ff0710ed004229e644c0653b2985c648a2388ac"
          "index": 2,
          "value": 546,
          "address": "qpccrrqv9lg86sluudd3pp5sftrg8r2ggvzlx9zjhx",
          "lockScript": "76a91471818c0c2fd07d43fce35b1086904ac6838d484388ac"
          "index": 3,
          "value": 2713,
          "address": "qq0r9sfaw6m6pjzzu6wmcax3lm7z0245vgruw3r85n",
          "lockScript": "76a9141e32c13d76b7a0c842e69dbc74d1fefc27aab46288ac"
          "index": 4,
          "value": 2713,
          "address": "qzxh09txxgrwt7ucegms4j6s7c7c30r5w5a3t5m3c7",
          "lockScript": "76a9148d7795663206e5fb98ca370acb50f63d88bc747588ac"
          "index": 5,
          "value": 156469,
          "address": "qzzxs3g0klu5t34acfewyt7u7dwyn48xtcyj22ssqq",
          "lockScript": "76a9148468450fb7f945c6bdc272e22fdcf35c49d4e65e88ac"
    "time": 1586603609082965000,
    "income": 4883,
    "outcome": 0
Attribute Type Description
relatedTx Object Transaction details related to the given address(data structure is the same as previous interface)
income Long Total income of the given address in this transaction(sum of incomes)
outcome Long Total outcome of the given address in this transaction(sum of outcomes)

Simple Query Response

  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "txid": "8f8c2a7f89ccc0b6b4f70d0e126e158dfa3174f640a7698ad9f4996778af47d2",
    "time": 1586865907728955000,
    "income": 546,
    "outcome": 0
Attribute Type Description
txid string Transaction id
income Long Total income of the given address in this transaction(sum of incomes)
outcome Long Total outcome of the given address in this transaction(sum of outcomes)

Subscribe On-chain Data

Subscribe to transactions with OP_RETURN and filter on-chain data with parts

HTTP Request

curl --location --request GET ''

GET /stream/data

Example-real-time WeatherSV data


OpCode Index Identifier
data0 2 p2
data1 3 p3
data2 4 p4
data3 5 p5
data4 6 p6

Pass parameters according to above codes. Here parameters function as a filter, only transactions fulfill the parameter are pushed.

Parameter Type Required? Description
flag long false Replay flag(Timestamp at breakpoint in nanoseconds)
inputAddress string false address matching those in transaction input(for identification)
p2 string false string matching the 2nd part in OP_RETURN stack, usually a bitcom protocol indentifier
p3 string false string matching the 3nd part in OP_RETURN stack
p4 string false string matching the 4nd part in OP_RETURN stack
p5 string false string matching the 5nd part in OP_RETURN stack
p6 string false string matching the 6nd part in OP_RETURN stack


  "type": "DATA",
  "data": {
    "data": {
      "txId": "b727685b857824ff050d8b9c485c214aedd284f13e422223cd7d30093f0dfa18",
      "raw": "006a22314c74794d45366235416e4d6f70517242504c6b3446474e3855427568784b71726e01012b7b2274223a32302e30362c2268223a34302c2270223a313032332c2263223a32302c227773223a312e357d2231473256686f434e73596651487a5044313256506b357037584876413572745874500a31353836363035303631",
      "parts": [
    "time": 1586605064152232000
Attribute Type Description
txid string Transaction hash
raw string HEX representation of this tx output
parts string output data parts decoded in utf-8


MetaTrigger is a Transaction Event Trigger service, specific event can be triggered after a transaction with designated format being sent to a specific address.

No request of http or rest in this service, the only thing necessary to trigger this service is creating a bitcoin transaction in specific condition.

Gatling Gun

For the convenience of developers and other users' testing work, MetaSV provides a function that is easy to use, called Transaction Gatling Gun Function.

Sending a large number of transactions in a short period of time is very complicated. Users need to split UTXO in advance, and manage UTXO concurrency issues. Meantime, there are transaction and broadcast performance bottlenecks.

MetaSV will enclose all the internal complexity inside the application for users, the only thing user needs to do is to make a simple transaction.


Transfer over 2000 satoshi to the address below can trigger 0.25 fee rate Gatling Gun


Transfer over 3000 satoshi to the address below can trigger 0.5 fee rate Gatling Gun


If you want to write a personal signature in the transaction generated by the gatling gun, you can write letter in the OP_RETURN output of the transfer transaction, for example:


Then such OP_RETURN will show in the output of all gatling gun transactions. If users do not specify a personal signature, will be as replacement. Please make sure the transaction is in right format and with enough value


The gatling gun triggered by a transfer will be fired at a fixed speed of 10 TPS.

The number of tasks executed by the system at the same time is 200 (up to 2000 TPS). If it exceeds, exceeding tasks will wait in queue to execute.

View Results

  1. From some real-time transaction display websites, such as

  2. Through MetaStream to monitor gatling gun transactions, for example: p3 is the location of part 3, where the gatling gun will write in the first 6 chars of the triggering transaction hash as the task id for searching transaction, in this case the txid is 7a2591cbe716118ee3773f5584eee13a283f83657cd879cbab271e45e0fd8d7f.

  3. Through the fontend we made,, for example: example link


Please note that the transfer amount is at least 2000 satoshi, if it is less than 2000, it will be regarded as a donation.

The price (satoshi) equations for each transaction shooted by Gatling is:

0.5 fee rate gun: Price = (personal signature length - 10) * 10 + 300; if Price < 300 then Price = 300

0.25 fee rate gun: Price = (personal signature length - 5) * 10 + 200; if Price < 200 then Price = 200

The fee includes the miner's bonus fee, the cost of constructing utxo bullets, and the MetaSV server fee.

If you need a large number of transactions on the chain, please contact us. We will provide discount service.


If you have any advice,feel free to submit an issue to Github Repository:



  1. Add basic information and tx list query service in address interface


  1. Add block query api.


  1. Add an extra attribute "descendents" to utxo. You can know descendents count when you query utxo.


  1. Add pubkey fields to metanet node API. You can use node pubkey as the query parameter.


  1. Tx broadcast will push the transaction directly to miner, and return mapi response


  1. Add Paymail Address Query service in merchants interface


  1. metastream block subscription add miner name and coinbase message


  1. Add Txid,rootAddress fields to metanet node API
  2. Add time range parameters to data list API


Added simple query parameters to real-time address stream


Added MetaStream push interface

  1. Real-time block stream: /stream/block

  2. Real-time transaction stream: /stream/tx

  3. Real-time transaction detail stream: /stream/tx/detail

  4. Real-time address stream: /stream/address/{address}

  5. Real-time on-chain data stream: /stream/data

Added interface for obtaining raw transaction

  1. /tx/{txid}/raw

Modified the following interfaces to return code 404 when resource not found

  1. /tx/{txid}

  2. /data/tx/{txid} /data/tx/{txid}/{outputIndex}


Added support for utxo

  1. utxo batch query /merchants/utxo_select

  2. utxo paged query /address/{address}/utxo


alpha release


This table defines all the ERROR CODES that may occur in our API response:

404 NOT_FOUND resource not found
500 SYSTEM_ERROR system error
20001 UTXO_SELECT_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT insufficient balance while selecting utxo